Squarespace Blog SEO Checklist: Top Tips for Success

Are you using Squarespace to blog and looking for a Squarespace blog SEO checklist. As a seasoned SEO expert, I’ve got you covered!

In this article, we’ll dive into the essential SEO checklist for Squarespace bloggers, covering not only what to do before publishing your blog post but also what to do after publishing.

From optimizing new content and tracking site traffic to implementing content best practices, optimizing text content, images, pages, and collection items, and monitoring site ranking changes, this comprehensive checklist will help you optimize your Squarespace blog for SEO success.

So, whether you’re a newbie blogger or an experienced content creator, keep reading to learn how to skyrocket your Squarespace blog’s visibility and attract more organic traffic to your site!

4 Squarespace Blog Tips Before Publishing

1. Site Information:

  • Set up a Squarespace account and log in.
  • Choose a template for your blog and customize it according to your preferences.
  • Add your blog name, description, and logo to your site. You can do this in the site settings or in the design settings, depending on your chosen template.
  • Create a navigation menu with links to your blog pages.

2. Site Design:

  • Choose fonts, colors, and spacing that complement your blog’s aesthetic.
  • Use Markdown formatting to create a consistent style for your blog posts, such as headings, lists, and blockquotes.
  • Preview your blog posts in different devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) to ensure a responsive design.

3. Domain and URL Setup:

  • Choose a domain name for your blog. You can either register a new domain or connect an existing domain to your Squarespace site.
  • Set up domain and URL redirects, if needed, to ensure a smooth transition from any previous blog URL.

4. Location Information:

  • Add your location information, such as address and contact details, in the site settings or footer, if relevant to your blog.

19 Squarespace Blog SEO Best Practices

After Publish to Squarespace Blog

1. Do Keyword Research: 

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the right keywords for your blog content. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find relevant and high-traffic keywords.

2. Offer High-Quality Content: 

Create high-quality and engaging content that provides value to your readers. Focus on creating original and informative content that resonates with your target audience.

3. Optimize Your Title Tags: 

Optimize your title tags with relevant keywords to improve your blog’s search engine ranking. Ensure that your title tags are unique, descriptive, and accurately reflect the content of your blog post.

4. Use Keywords in Headings and Meta Descriptions: 

Incorporate your target keywords in your blog post’s headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) and meta descriptions. This helps search engines understand the content and structure of your blog post.

5. Simplify URLs: 

Keep your blog post URLs simple and descriptive. Avoid using long and complex URLs that are difficult for search engines and users to understand. Use hyphens to separate words in your URLs for better readability.

6. Improve Your Images: 

Optimize your images by using descriptive file names and alt tags that contain relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the context of your images and can improve your blog’s image search rankings.

7. Remove Duplicate Content: 

Avoid using duplicate content on your Squarespace blog as it can negatively impact your SEO efforts. Ensure that your content is unique and original to avoid duplicate content issues.

8. Turn on SSL: 

Enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on your Squarespace blog to ensure that your website is secure and to improve your search engine rankings. SSL encrypts data transmitted between your website and users, providing an added layer of security.

9. Link Internally:

Include internal links within your blog posts to connect related content on your Squarespace blog. Internal linking can help search engines understand the structure of your blog and improve your blog’s overall SEO.

10. List Your Location: 

If your Squarespace blog has a physical location, make sure to list it in your content, meta tags, and schema markup. This can help improve local SEO and make your blog more discoverable to users in your area.

11. Add Schema Markup: 

Implement schema markup on your Squarespace blog to provide structured data to search engines. Schema markup can enhance your search engine listings and improve the visibility of your blog in search results.

12. Consider Hreflang: 

If you have a multilingual Squarespace blog, consider implementing href language tags to indicate the language and regional targeting of your content. Hreflang tags help search engines understand which language versions of your blog to display to users in different regions.

13. Optimize for Mobile & Voice Search: 

Ensure that your Squarespace blog is optimized for mobile devices and voice search. Mobile and voice search are becoming increasingly popular, and optimizing your blog for these platforms can help improve your SEO performance.

14. Create a Custom 404 Page: 

Design a custom 404 error page on your Squarespace blog to provide a better user experience when users encounter broken links or pages that are not found. A well-designed 404 page can help retain visitors and reduce bounce rates.

15. Turn on AMP: 

Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your Squarespace blog to improve the loading speed and performance of your mobile pages. AMP can help improve your blog’s mobile SEO and provide a better user experience on mobile devices.

16. Submit Your Sitemap and Content Changes:

Submit your Squarespace blog’s sitemap to search engines to help search engines crawl and index your content more effectively. Additionally, submit any content changes or updates to search engines to ensure that your blog’s latest content is accurately reflected in search results.

17. Learn How to Write and Structure Content: 

Familiarize yourself with best practices for writing and structuring SEO-friendly content. Use relevant keywords strategically throughout your blog posts, create informative headings, and structure your content in a logical and organized manner to improve its search engine readability.

18. Understand Featured Snippets: 

Featured snippets are the highlighted search results that appear above the regular search results. Understand how to create content that can be featured in snippets by providing concise and valuable answers to commonly asked questions, using structured data, and formatting your content appropriately.

19. Check Your Favicon: 

A favicon is a small icon that represents your website in a user’s browser tab. Ensure that your Squarespace blog has a visually appealing and relevant favicon to enhance your blog’s brand identity and user experience.

8 Best SEO Tips After Publishing to Squarespace Blog

1. As Your Site Evolves: 

Your Squarespace blog is not a static entity, but rather an evolving platform that requires ongoing attention to maintain its SEO effectiveness. Regularly review and update your blog as it evolves, including optimizing new content, monitoring site traffic, and tracking changes in site rankings.

2. Optimize New Content: 

When you add new content to your Squarespace blog, make sure to optimize it for SEO. This includes conducting keyword research to identify relevant keywords, incorporating them naturally into your content, and optimizing meta descriptions and headings to improve search engine visibility.

3. Track Your Site Traffic:

Monitoring your site’s traffic is crucial to understanding how your blog is performing. Use analytics tools provided by Squarespace to track your site’s traffic, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions to improve your SEO strategy.

4. Content Best Practices:

Follow best practices for creating high-quality content that is SEO-friendly. This includes creating original and valuable text content, optimizing images with descriptive alt tags, ensuring proper formatting of pages and collection items, and using descriptive and SEO-friendly URLs.

5. Text Content: 

Craft well-written and engaging text content for your blog posts. Use relevant keywords naturally within your content, incorporate headings and subheadings for improved readability and structure, and ensure that your content is free from grammar and spelling errors.

6. Images: 

Optimize the images used in your Squarespace blog for SEO. Use descriptive alt tags for images to improve accessibility and search engine visibility, compress images for faster loading times, and ensure that images are relevant and of high quality.

7. Pages and Collection Items: 

Pay attention to the pages and collection items on your Squarespace blog, ensuring that they are properly optimized for SEO. This includes optimizing and creating unique and valuable content for each page or collection item, using descriptive and SEO-friendly URLs, and ensuring proper formatting and organization for easy navigation and search engine indexing.

8. Site Ranking Changes: 

Keep track of changes in your site’s rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) to identify trends and opportunities for improvement. If you notice any significant changes in your site’s rankings, investigate and make necessary adjustments to your SEO strategy, such as optimizing content, improving site structure, or addressing technical issues.


Don’t let your Squarespace blog get lost in the vast digital landscape. Implement our top tips for success for Squarespace blogging, so you can supercharge your rankings, drive more traffic, and increase your blog’s visibility.

Don’t wait any longer – start implementing these proven strategies today and watch your Squarespace blog soar to new heights of SEO success. Get started now and unlock the full potential of your Squarespace blog!