Researching Keywords (2023): An In-depth Guide and Resource

In the world of digital marketing, researching keywords is one of the most important aspects. It is so important that you can’t even imagine how it will affect your campaign going forward.

In this blog article, we will explain to you in detail what keyword research is and why it is so important for any digital marketer or content creator.

In addition, we will share with you our top resources to help you become an expert at researching keywords.

So strap in and enjoy this in-depth guide about researching keywords in 2023.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the process of identifying and researching the best keywords for your website or business.

When you do keyword research, you’re looking for keywords that are both relevant and attractive to your target audience.

You can do keyword research using a variety of tools, including Google Adwords Keyword Planner and Google Trends.

Once you’ve identified the keywords you’re interested in, you need to make sure they’re used throughout your website in places like the title and meta tags. This will help your site rank higher in search engines.

Why is Keyword Research Important?

Keyword research is essential if you want to improve your website’s SEO. The more keywords your website is targeting, the more likely it is to be found in search engine results pages.

In addition, targeting the right keywords can help you attract more customers who are looking for the same type of information you’re providing.

By doing research on your keywords, you can also determine which keywords are most relevant to your business.

This can help you target your content more effectively, and it can also help you attract new customers who are searching for information related to your industry.

Overall, researching keywords is essential if you want your website to be successful. By targeting the right words and using the right content, you can reach a wider audience and increase your website’s traffic.

How do I do keyword research?

SEO keyword research is a key part of the process. research for the best keyword is the process of finding keywords that your site can rank for in search engines.

There are a few different ways to find the best words, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

One method involves analyzing your website’s content and looking for keywords that are relevant to the topic.

You can also use tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to help you find profitable keywords.

Another method is to target keywords that are relevant. This approach involves focusing your keyword research on specific areas of your website.

For example, you might target popular keywords that people might use when searching for your product or service.

And another method is keyword optimization. This approach involves making sure your website’s keywords are properly placed and optimized for search engine visibility.

This includes things like adding keywords to your website’s title, meta tags, heading, URL, and content.

Whichever method you choose, make sure to use a mix of both qualitative and quantitative data to make sure your keywords are effective.

Can I do keyword research for free?

If you’re looking to improve your website’s SEO, then you need to conduct keyword research.

And the best way to do that is by using a free keyword research tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner.

This tool allows you to enter a phrase or keyword, and it will show you how many people are searching for it and what their keywords are.

This information can help you find keywords that are relevant to your business and target them with your advertising campaigns.

How long does keyword research take?

Keyword research can be a time-consuming process, but it’s important to get it right if you want to succeed with your SEO efforts. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. start by analyzing your competition. Seeing where they rank, what keywords they’re targeting, and how they’re ranking can help you develop a strategy for your own site.

2. use keyword tools to help analyze your competition and find new keywords that you may not have considered.

3. keep a journal or spreadsheet of your findings to track progress and reflect on your strategy.

4. be patient – keyword research takes time, but the rewards are worth it!

What are longtail keywords?

Longtail keywords are important for SEO because they can help you target a wider range of potential customers.

By using longtail keywords, you’re able to focus your efforts on keywords that are more likely to result in conversions.

Longtail keywords also tend to be more profitable, because they’re more likely to result in high click-through rates (CTRs).

How to do longtail keyword research?

Once you have a list of long tail keywords, you need to figure out how to rank for them. This means creating content relevant to those keywords and ensuring that your website is optimized for them.

You can do this by adding longtail keywords to your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and other metadata. You can also use an SEO strategy to make sure that your website appears first when people search for those long tail keywords.

Long tail keywords are a valuable tool for improving your website’s SEO and revenue. By using a strategy that focuses on them, you can increase the visibility of your business and attract more customers.

Yes, you can use Google Trends to do keyword research. Google Trends is a great way to research keywords and see how popular a word or phrase is over time.

You can use it to see how much interest there is in a particular keyword, and how it’s changing over time.

This is helpful when you’re trying to decide which keywords to use on your site, or when you’re planning your keyword strategy.

You can also use this information to determine which keywords are worth targeting for your website, your audience, or marketing campaigns and put them into a keyword research tool.

Is Google Keyword Planner a good tool for researching keywords?

Google Keyword Tools can help with the research of keywords. It offers a variety of features that can be used to identify keywords that are popular and have the potential for ranking on a website.

Additionally, the tool can be used to track the performance of those keywords over time and to find related keywords.

But it is primarily used for the identification of keywords and not for their optimization.

What is Search Volume?

Search volume is a metric that is used to measure the popularity of a keyword or phrase. It is calculated by multiplying the number of times that a keyword or phrase has been searched for on Google by the total number of results that are returned for that search.

Something to keep in mind about search volume is that it is not the only metric that you should use when determining the suitability of a keyword for your website.

Other factors to consider include the competition for that keyword and whether or not it is a good fit for your site.

Where can I find the search volume?

You can find search volume data with an SEO Tool. We wrote a detailed article about the best SEO reporting tools that can help you decide which tool to use.

With an SEO tool, you can find monthly search volumes of a keyword and the search volume data of a specific keyword.

You can also use it to track the changes in search volume over time.

What is the average monthly search volume?

This search volume is the total number of searches that have been performed on Google per month.

Average search volume is important because it gives you an idea of how people are currently searching for your keyword on average. This means that it is a good indication of how users are currently feeling about your relevant keyword.

For example, if people are suddenly becoming very interested in your keyword, it could be a sign that there is new information being released about your target keyword.

On the other end of the spectrum, if people suddenly stop searching for your keyword, it could be a sign that people are losing interest in the specific relevant keywords.

If you notice a sudden drop in search volume, it could be a sign that people are no longer actively looking for information about your relevant search terms.

One thing to keep in mind is that search volume can fluctuate. Sometimes it can be low for a few months and then it will spike up for a few months.

What is a good Monthly Search Volume?

A good monthly search volume is between 5,000 and 10,000 keyword searches per month on average.

For example, a keyword that gets 5,000 monthly searches would be a good keyword to rank for, while a keyword that gets only 500 searches per month would be a poor keyword to rank for.

A keyword with a low average monthly search volume is likely to rank for a long time, but it could take a long time for Google to index that keyword, making it a poor choice for ranking.

Keep in mind that for a keyword to rank for a long time, it needs to have a lot of monthly search volume.

Can I use google’s keyword planner for search volume?

Using GKP to get search volume can help get an idea of the search volume for a specific keyword.

It is primarily used for Google ads so the search volume is not accurate enough for an SEO strategy.

To get a better understanding of search volume on search queries I would recommend using a keyword research tool like AHREF’s or Longtail Pro. You can check out our review of the best keyword research tools for our top pick.

Zero Search Volume Keywords vs High Search Volume

The difference between a keyword with zero searches vs a high searches volume

Keywords that receive a high number of searches per month tend to receive more traffic and attention than keywords with a smaller search volume. However, there is a lot of variation in the number of monthly searches received by each keyword.

Even though the keyword with the highest search volume might receive more traffic, it might not have a higher Google ranking or a higher placement in Google results than the keyword with a lower search volume.

In short, while the keyword with the highest search volume might receive more traffic, it probably isn’t ranking at the top of Google searches and you might want to try to rank for more keywords with a higher search volume.

How to get keyword ideas?

Finding keyword ideas has gotten a lot easier with the growing tool list to choose from. Some of the best tools to get keyword ideas include Google AdWords, Longtail Pro, and Ahrefs.

Using a tool can help with the keyword research process, but you still need to do your own research and come up with a list of potential keywords.

What is search intent?

Search Intent is the motivation for a user to perform a search. There are three main types of search intent: informational, commercial, and transactional.

Why is Search intent Important?

Search intent is important because there are different phases in the buying process.

In the informational phase, users are looking for information and might not be ready to make a purchase.

In the commercial phase, users are looking for products or services and might be ready to purchase.

In the transactional phase, users are looking to make a purchase and might have already made a decision. Knowing which phase a user is in can help you target your ads and content more effectively.

Informational Intent:

The intent behind these types of keywords is to acquire new knowledge. People use them to research a topic before diving in, to ensure that what they’re reading is accurate and that there aren’t any major holes in the information.

There are many benefits to using keyword research to your advantage. Not only can you make your website more appealing to search engines, but you also increase the amount of traffic your site receives.

You might think that keyword research is just a matter of choosing the right words, but it’s a lot more than that. There are many factors that come into play when deciding what keywords to use, such as the competition level, the age of your website, and the keywords’ relevance to your audience.

Commercial Intent:

The intent behind these types of keywords is to make a sale. People use them when they’re looking for products or services that they can buy.

When targeting commercial keywords, it’s important to think about what your target audience is looking for. Are they looking for a specific product? A certain price? A certain location? Once you know what your audience is, it becomes much easier to come up with ideas for keywords.

Transactional Intent:

The intent behind these types of keywords is to make a purchase and move on. People use them when they’re looking for a product or service that they can use right away.

When targeting transactional keywords, it’s important to think about how you can help your target audience. Are they looking for a product that’s easy to use? A product that’s available in multiple locations? A product that’s affordable? Once you know what your target audience is looking for, it becomes much easier to come up with ideas for keywords.

How to optimize for Search Intent?

When conducting keyword research using the best keywords to optimize for search intent is vital when creating a keyword list.

First, you need to find the relevant keyword ideas to match the search intent. Usually, when we do our keyword research we start with a seed keyword.

This is the keyword that we want to focus on for the purpose of optimizing our website.

Once we have specific keywords, we start researching other related keywords and create a list of keywords around that keyword. This way, we are making sure that our website is optimized for all of the relevant search intent.

Next, we will exhaust the keyword list with relevant keywords that are also associated with our seed keyword. These keywords will help us rank higher in SERPS and bring more traffic to our website.

Our effective keyword research process helps us to create a targeted keyword list that will help us achieve our website goals. We prioritize keywords on our list based on search intent and then based on their keyword difficulty we then decide which keyword ideas we should attack. We call it “Our Attack LIst”.

You might be wondering now what is keyword difficulty. Continue reading to find out more.

What is keyword difficulty?

Keyword difficulty is a measure of how difficult it is to rank for a given keyword in Google.

The higher the difficulty, the more competition there is for that keyword.

There are a lot of tools to measure keyword difficulty. The two most popular keyword research tools are AHREF’s Keyword search and the SEM Rush Keyword Difficulty Tool.

Both tools give you an idea of how difficult it is to rank for a given keyword and what your competition looks like.

These tools also offer free keyword research tools as part of a free plan but they are limited. We suggest checking out our SEO tools list to help decide on the perfect tool to help you with your SEO strategy.

How to gauge keyword difficulty?

Gauging a keyword word difficulty is a bit different for each tool. AHREF’s Keyword search will give you a list of all the keywords that rank for your seed keyword.

You can then see how many of those keywords have a difficulty score between 1 and 100.

SEM Rush’s keyword difficulty tool will give you an idea of how difficult it is to rank for a given keyword and what your competition looks like.

It will also show you how many monthly searches are for that keyword.

Once you have this information, you can start to gauge how difficult it is to rank for your seed keyword.

What does keyword difficulty tell me?

Keyword difficulty tells you a few things.

First, it tells you how difficult it is to rank for your seed keyword.

Second, it tells you how competitive the market is for that keyword.

And finally, it can give you an idea of how much effort you will need to put into ranking for that keyword.

Should I pay attention to the difficulty of the Keyword?

Paying attention to the difficulty of a keyword is an important part of keyword research for SEO.

The higher the difficulty, the more competition there is for that keyword. This means that you will need to put in a lot of effort to rank for that keyword.

However, the increased competition can also mean that you are targeting a popular keyword.

If you can rank for your seed keyword, then you are on your way to ranking for other keywords.

What are Keyword Tools?

Keyword Tools are tools that can help you with your keyword research for SEO.

These tools can give you an idea of how difficult it is to rank for a given keyword and what your competition looks like.

They can also offer free keyword research tools as part of a free plan but they are limited. We suggest checking out our SEO tools list to help decide on the perfect tool to help you with your SEO strategy.

These tools can help you with new keyword ideas in your hunt for the best keyword research process.

Does a keyword tool help?

A tool can help find a long tail keyword that you can write a blog post about and give you an edge over your completion. These tools help create content ideas for your organic search traffic bucket.

Problems with tools to help with researching keyword?

The main problem with these tools is that they only offer a limited amount of information.

This means that you will need to use other tools to get an idea of how difficult it is to rank for that keyword and what your competition looks like.

Sometimes these tools may give you the wrong impression about a keyword. For example, if you are targeting a difficult keyword, the tool may tell you that the competition is not too bad.

Different types of Tools to do keyword research?

There are a few different types of tools that can help with your keyword research.

These tools include:

1. Keyword research software – This type of tool allows you to input a keyword and see how difficult it is to rank for that keyword, what the competition looks like, and how much effort you will need to put in to rank for that keyword.

2. Google AdWords Keyword Planner – This tool allows you to input a keyword and see how much money you can make from advertising that keyword.

3. Google Trends – This tool allows you to see how popular the given keyword has been over time.

How to appear on search results?

Search Results appear on the search engine results page or SERPs.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your website appears on the first page of the search engine results.

These include:

1. Target high-traffic keywords – Keyword research is important, but you also need to target high-traffic keywords that your target audience is searching for.

2. Create quality content – Make sure your content is high-quality and shares valuable information that your target audience would want to know.

3. Optimize your website – Make sure your website is optimized for the keyword you are targeting. This includes adding the keyword in the title, meta data, and in URL structure.

What is google search console and Why is it Important?

Google search console is a tool that allows you to see how your website is performing in regard to organic search traffic.

This is important because organic search traffic is the most important type of traffic for a website.

By tracking how your website is performing in regard to organic search traffic, you can make sure that your website is doing the best it can and that you are targeting the right keywords.

How does Google Analytics help with search results?

Google Analytics help with the results of a website by tracking the number of visitors that come to the website, what pages they visit, what type of traffic they are coming from (organic or paid), and how long they stay on the website.

By tracking this data, you can see which pages are performing better than others and make changes to those pages to make sure that more people are visiting them.

How to improve search engine results?

Improving search engine results is not an easy task. It involves a lot of hard work and a lot of research.

However, by following the tips above, you can make sure that your website is performing as best as possible and that you are getting the most out of your SEO efforts.

This will ensure that your site receives the maximum amount of traffic from search engines and that you receive the most amount of SEO visibility.

If you want to improve your SEO efforts, you can do so by staying active in them. By staying active, we mean posting content at least once per week. You can also choose to choose a topic that you are actively interested in. Doing this will allow you to stay motivated and driven to succeed with your SEO efforts.

How does google rank search results?

Google ranks search results by taking into account a number of different factors, including the relevance of the content, the quality of the content, and the authority of the website.

By taking these factors into consideration, Google is able to determine which websites are most likely to be of interest to the user.

This means that if you want your website to rank higher in search results, you will need to ensure that your content is high quality and that you have high authority in the SEO world.

High-Quality Content is an important fact in the way Google ranks results. If your website is full of low-quality content, Google will not rank it as high as a website that has high-quality content.

The same goes for the Authority Factor. If your website does not have a lot of authority in the SEO world, Google will not rank it as high as a website that does.

Mobile First is a term that means that your website should be designed to be responsive and look good on mobile devices. This is important because a majority of people search on their mobile devices.

If you want to improve your website’s SEO, you will need to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly, has high-quality content, and has a lot of authority in SEO.

Page Experience is also important. Google wants to ensure that the user has a positive experience when they are on your website.

This means that your website should be easy to navigate and have clean, well-organized content.

What are seed keywords?

These keywords are the first few keywords that Google finds when a user enters a URL into the search bar on a computer or mobile device.

When you are creating your content, you should target these seed keywords. This way, you will be able to rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for those keywords.

How to find seed keywords?

Finding these keywords are easy. All you have to do is look at the top of the SERP for a given keyword and see what is being searched for.

You can also use a tool like SEMRush to find seed keywords.

How to rank difficult seed keywords?

To rank difficult keywords, you will need to create content that is relevant to those keywords and target them with your seed keywords.

You can also use SEO techniques like keyword research and on-page optimization to rank your website for those keywords.

Do I need keyword tools?

Keywords tools are helpful, but they are not necessary to rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

You can find keywords using Google search or a tool like SEMRush. However, you do not need to use a tool to find difficult or obscure seed keywords.

Simply focusing on targeting high-quality content and targeting relevant keywords will help you rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

What are the 3 types of Tools to help keyword research?

Keyword research tools, content marketing tools, and SEO tools.

There are three types of tools that can help with keyword research: keyword research tools, content marketing tools, and SEO tools.

Keyword research tools include things like Google AdWords Keyword Planner and SEMrush. Content marketing tools include things like Hootsuite and BuzzSumo. And SEO tools include things like Moz and Ahrefs.

Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, Google AdWords Keyword Planner is great for finding long-tail keywords, but it is not as good at finding difficult seed keywords. SEMrush is great for finding difficult seed keywords, but it is not as good at finding long-tail keywords.

It is important to choose the right tool for the job. If you are not sure which tool to use, consult a professional or search for a comprehensive keyword research guide.


When you do keyword research, you’re looking for keywords that are both relevant and attractive to your target audience.

You can do keyword research using a variety of tools, including Google Adwords Keyword Planner and Google Trends.

Once you’ve identified the keywords you’re interested in, you need to make sure they’re used throughout your website in places like the title and meta tags. This will help your site rank higher in search engines.

Keyword research is essential if you want to improve your website’s SEO. The more keywords your website is targeting, the more likely it is to be found in search engine results pages.

In addition, targeting the right keywords can help you attract more customers who are looking for the same type of information you’re providing.

By doing research on your keywords, you can also determine which keywords are most relevant to your business. This can help you target your content more effectively, and it can also help you attract new customers who are searching for information related to your industry.

Overall, researching keywords is essential if you want your website to be successful. By targeting the right words and using the right content, you can reach a wider audience and increase your website’s traffic.